Sunday, January 13, 2013

Character Introduction #2: Lyra Du'can

Welcome back to the Tome of Eternity blog everyone. First off, my apologies for not having this update done earlier. Personal issues came up and I've been quite busy the past week. However, one day late is better than never. Especially seeing how today we will be revealing Lyra Du'can, possibly my favorite character in our story. She is another main protagonist and will play a very central role throughout the game. Now for a little more about her.


Lyra Du'can
Age: 17
Height: 5'5
Weight: 115 lbs
Hair color: Strawberry blonde
Eye color: Charcoal grey

Lyra is from New York City, located on Earth, millions of light years from Scrail. She had about as ordinary a life as any girl her age, until one day she suddenly slumped over unconscious on her bus ride home. Her vision went black for a moment before being lit up in spiraling white light. Strange black lettering and symbols appeared before her now. They were quite foreign to her, but seemed somehow familiar, like she had seen them in dreams before. As she fell deeper into the spiral she could see something at the end; two boys standing in awe st the sight of her. The next thing she knew she was tumbling forward, rolling across the damp moss covered ground. Without knowing it, she just crossed into another world in an instant, something that was previously thought impossible. She didn't want to believe that she was on a floating city in the sky, or that this place was on a world known as Scrail. But the two boys she met were nice, and even offered to help her figure out her situation and get her home. So she decided to accept the help and live with her circumstances for the time being.


Another Character update in just six days! Check back soon.

Artwork by Eora

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